At first i dun think of this as a problem but i guess....its really a problem now.I realised it first when CHEF SITI commented on my behaviour,she says something like..Andri,i know u are not someone who flirt but your friendliness towards the opposite sex is sometimes too much that it can be seen as u are flirting and giving them hope....did i? maybe i didn't realised but maybe i did...
Maybe my friendliness is too much,but that's how i treat guys or gals alike,I'm always like that.SHOULD I CHANGE? if changes is easy, i change long time ago,if being friendly is bad, should i stop being friendly? I DUN WANNA BE SEEN AS A FLIRT!
I was just being nice and being me,does not mean after ppl know me from TV,i have to be stuck up like some of them...I'm not even a star or a celebrity,I'm just being WHO I AM AND WHAT I AM!!!!!
Gal or Guys to me is the same, i treat them the same and no difference at all,at time i do even kiss customers or friends on the cheek( not guys la) the one that i have feeling for will be the one to see tia and tia have to like her...cos if she dun like her than no point of being together,I will listen to tia,she is my eyes and my mouth....she will be the one choosing not me,cause i can adapt to whoever she choose but she might not be adapting to whoever i choose.....
So please dun judge me for my behaviour,cos I'm just a man who at times makes mistakes......
1 comment:
why should you change when people say that to you? as long as you know you're not flirting,its fine. ever heard,"teman tapi mesrah?" its like that. just be ur own. but if you think you should change to please people,then its up to you. anw,you got a adorable daughter. keep updating okay! i love reading em'
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