Its been awhile since i write and i just wanna share something with u, i might be wrong but well,its my BLOG..
When i came home from work,my dad was saying.."your brother kena caaught" so i asked for wat? " for smoking"
He is below 18, so i guess its wrong..but,how many below 18 smokes in sg?u bet thers a lot, so the story goes like, my dad got to wait for another letter, and pay the $300 ( in SG is all bout money.PAY N PAY ) and than its settled
The issue here is, Y shops still selling CIGGY if the they enforce so much restriction? Underage smokers, ban in public places, in pubs and disco, have enforcementt officer catching ppl who throw ciggy butts,fined those who buy illegally and from JB and even the restaurant al fresco is allowed only for smoker,not all but 10% of the outdoor size?????
If they can banned chewing gum, y dun banned CIGGY? ..............
I guess the answer is simple, cos CIGGY generates high profit tax.....simple and straight forward, price incrreased cos the tax of CIGGY increased,and the minister will say bout "oh its unhealthy for ppl to smoke and not fair on those secondhand smokers to inhale them....yes sir,BAllss TO U....
U can allowed ppl to buy more cars,build more ERP, charge this charge that and u think the car that moved on the road gives out clean air? cleaner that ciggy smokes? ya sure....its all because of MONEY.....
Its getting more irritating and really pisssed me of with the DRAMA ,say ciggy no good but u dun wanna ban cos its reaps lots of profit and they will say, they trying to ask ppl like me cut down smoking by increasing the price...YA RIGHT...
SINGAPOREAN are no longer kids and hving the yes sir yes sir 3 black fools kind of attitude,i nvr vote for them everytime,and in times to come, more ppl wont vote for them too, its just too much....
WE wrk hard for 1 month for the money, come end of the month , get paid,pay here pay there and we left with $350 for the whole month usage while waiting for the next month pay....thats life, wat to do? cos they make it like that
Think bout it and wonder, if its difficult for us to go thru life now.....wat bout our children?? and we sing with pride the song every morning is sch......wat are we? we just and object for the country economic development as we know, we dun have natural things to even sell to the world,instead we are the natural source of income for the country........tll than,my heart is sour and lost the respect that i have to be one of u .....cos in the end of the day,i still PAY N PAY......
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