Dear Tia
When Daddy ask u randomly that daddy is going to find a wife and get married, u say DADDY CANNOT GET MARRRIED!...and daddy ask u y? and your answer really makes daddy think,think bout daddy future... will u wan daddy to be single all daddy life?
Do u really dun wan daddy to get married to anyone cos u afraid daddy will neglect u? Mummy get married in 2005 and tis never forbid her? Mummy did not neglect u tia,just that mummy got a new hubby and at times got to spend time with him thats all... mummy loves u
One night i ask my daughter if i can get married and she says NO WAY. I told her she is being unfair to me as she allowed my ex to remarried but not me.Maybe she felt that her mum loves her lest after married as she oso have a new husband to look after other than her, maybe she wans my full attention and not shared me? maybe she afraid i will stop pick her up, hug her to sleep and never bring her out anymore...
TIA...u r wrong, no woman alive can replace u in my heart, no woman alive can stop me from loving u the way i love u always, i rather leave the woman than leaving u Tia. U r my life, and for u i live for and die for
Don't worry Andri.. She's still young to understand what you are going thru.. Insya'Allah she'll understand.. You've been a good dad and I'm sure she will let u remarry one day.. Your patience and affection towards her will pay off one day.. Cheer up..
Your friend...
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