It comes to my attention while walking around my neighbourhood, Singaporean are not interested in NATIONAL DAY anymore,I hardly see the flags outdoor anymore.Tomoro is singapore 43rd birthday but nobody wanna be celebrating it, we all turn out to be in a mourning mode.....Y mourning?
It just because lots of us are not happy. we come to realise that SG to me is not a REPUBLIC...ITS A BEE HIVE.... bee hive cos there only 01 QUEEN BEE, THAN ARMY( wear white colour de)and the rest are US, which they called SINGAPOREAN AKA WORKER BEES...YES,every single one of us, me,u,my ucle,my cuzz,my neighbour,my fren...Cos to stay in the hive, we have to work hard, work hard to give HONEY to the hives,than u think we get to keep the honey? u siao ah!!!! all must give QUEEN BEE.Thats y QUEEN got so much honey and bigger size than the rest of the bees.
Its the same staying In SG, we all wrk hard, take mrt,pay income tax,pay this pay that,this incrreased,that incrreased ... last time they make it so easy to have a 100% loan for a new car,and wen half of singaporean bought it...than they have ERP,increased and everywhere else...and than they promote park n ride and car pool.So after ppl opt for public transport, now they wanna increased the public transport(KNN they so clever sia)
So , are we not like BEES? OUR country dun have a natural resources to sell and make money ,so we are their resources.... everything oso fine ,fine,fine...enough liao lo,they only need to ask ppl to saman us, increased price and pay tax and our country is rich liao...
So i guess, more and more singaporean are hating it and this is the only things we can do to protest,we cant do other protest, cos later kena catch, saman or even makeu bankrupt sia,so most ppl dun even wanna hang and still must buy somemore...
So remember,we r are staying in a hive with a queen bees.....
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