Today im goin to write bought woman n food.After so long working n cooking my ass off in the kitchen, i came to realise that cooking n maintaining a woman is so much alike.... they both need tender,loving and care to do it...
To cook something nice, u have to have the right amount of ingredient,salt,spice and the meat or fish items must be not overly cook or undercook.... the sauce must blend well with the items and dessert must be sweet and of course the wine..
Woman, cant be overly spoilt or totally ignored too. U cant spend so much time with them or too little time with them too. U have to a well balance of TLC and too much of it will make u regrets for life and too little of it will make u lose the gal u love.... so its just lke cooking, u have to be well balance in anything u do both in cooking and in love...
BUT....most chef i know, is very good in cooking but a jerk in relationship or love life, so wat went wrong? did they overcook the dish or undercook it... i guess all of them undercook the dish.. simple? y? cause most of the time we are cooking in the restaurant thats y... and we forget that woman needs us as much as the kitchen needs us.So who do we choose? WOMAN OR WORK?
For most chef , work is their top most in the mind? cause we have to work to earn money thats y? and we man knows very well, if we din have money.... we are nothing in the eyes of ppl or woman, At times we do feel lonely and deprived, buts thats life... u CANT have everything u wan . So either u live with it or get another job....
For me i will stick to this job no matter wat it takes for me to achieve my dream and i guess this is the only job in the world that i love to do and i wanna do it well.
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