I read with disgust bout the story on FUAD RAHMAN...It happen everywhere in SG,the YELLOW RIBBON PROJECT as much as it sounded so good, it does not help ex convict totally...cos lots of Gomen. body is not ready to accept it totally... i dun think u find ex convict in GOV ORGANISATION?
When even the GOmen dun wanna employ them? wat makes them sure that local company will? DUH!!!!!!!
For the case of FUAD RAHMAN was axed from being one of the performer in the HARI RAYA SHOW( cos there a lot of VIP) is a one hell of a lame excuse even if it comes MAJLIS PUSAT .... Y do u judge him cos of his past and not cos of his achievement and determination? DUE TO PPL LIKE U ... EX CONVICT TURN AROUND AND ASKING THEMSELF,Y DO THEY NEED TO CHANGE WHEN SOCIETY ALREADY HAVE A CERTAIN MINDSET OF THEM.....
So wat if he spots a tatoo? i met ppl who have tattoo on their body and now teaching religious class, i met ppl with a dark past and now an IMAM which lead ppl to pray in mosque, i met ppl with tatoo and dark past but a heart full of GOLD...so y THE HELL DO THESE PPL BEING JUDGE FOR THEIR PAST MISTAKES?
we are all human being and we dun judge ppl based on that, If having VIP is the reason y FUAD is not allowed to perform... i rather see FUAD in action than seeing the VIP... if the VIP were afraid that their life is in danger cos one of the performer was an ex convict...Y DUN U MR VIP,SIT AT HOME AND WATCH THE SHOW FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME.
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