HAPPINESS - words or feeling that u enjoy,happy and glad that it happen
The real QUESTION is... how long can happinese last or is there an everlasting HAPPINESS??????
To me frankly there is NONE, nothing last forever and so does HAPPINESS. Tia is my HAPPINESS now,ELEVEN is my HAPPINESS now,COOKING is my HAPPINESS now.. would it last forever?
Tia will grow up, get married and left me,ELEVEN is still too early to judge and COOKING ? How long can i hold on to it?
Even RELATIONSHIP does not last,we will die and leave our love one, Now i even wonder how many married couple had their HAPPINESS?
Yes, they are HAPPY FAMILY,but wat bout the individual happiness? The DAD,MOM,KIDS,GRANDPARENTS,IN-LAWS or even RELATIVES...can we be happy or assure that they are HAPPY?
RELATIONSHIP? as fast as its starts..it can end the next day, We though our partner loves us,but they found someone new. The mom tots she found a good husband,but he cheated on her,The dad thought she found a loving wife,but she too cheated on him..and it goes on and on....so where is the HAPPINESS?
GOD created man and woman,but GOD didnt makes us stick to one man or woman...GOD gave us the money and assets we had but GOD dint gave us HAPPINESS that we seek.Money is needed but they are not everything.
Happiness is the most sought after emotion tat humans want.Though achieved,often short-lived.And it's difficult to recall once it's gone. However, sadness n anger is the easiest to remember.Probably,this is because,we feel these emotions most often. We often like to recall memories of sadness and find pleasure dwelling in sadness and anger
However,Happiness is not tat way,we can remember happy moments but feeling of happiness does not come with memories. Maybe we should try to memories of happiness more often.
Set yourself some goals to achieve, constantly..when goals are achieved,u will be happy.Harder the goals to achieved, the happier u will be. maybe shortlived, but u can be satisfied with u see the results when goals r achieved.
Happyness can be found around u too.-Give a thot of the people around u when they drop perfumes of happyness on you. Enjoy the fragrance of happyness.
Customers' compliments on your cooking and Tia...
Life is like a roller coaster anyway..Just have to wait for the next loop of happyness come...
if happiness is meant to be just a feeling... it would be short-lived. that's called euphoria. it doesn't last. it ebbs and wanes like the tide.
happiness is a good memory... and linked to the good memory is the pleasantness that comes with the thought. some happy thoughts bring along with them the sweetness that lingers on the lips that have tasted them. albeit not many such memories in life... but just having these few will enhance the flavour of life. if we have happiness in abundance... will we ever cherish it as it deserves?
Happy feeling is transient... happy memories may dim with time.. but they will never fail to bring a smile to the corners of our mouth.
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