Hi guys, just wanted to ask opinion bout stuff... if u met a gal which is richer than u, more confident than u, drive a more expensive car than u and better dress and looks than u...would u feel intimidated and carry on pursuing her?
How many of u would and how many of u wont? i guess its a 50-50 answer i will get cos if i were to be in that situation.. even im contempleting on wat to do next?
To pursue her, u have to come to terms bout others telling ppl that u with her is just because of wat she have and not wat she is...and she will oso be thinking bout, do u really love or have feelings for her? or just wanting to have a share of wat she had?
By not pursuing... u will waste a chance of getting back the love she had for u . and giving away a chance that she might not really care if u are rich or poor,as long as u love her....
Its something so simple yet so delicate but its not something to be taken lightly..so would u guys hold back or pursue?
Pursue of cos! If a girl can see beyond all your imperfections and love you wholeheartedly, so what if she's richer or whatever than you? If you reject you, that means you choose pride over true love. In this generation, it don't matter anymore who wears the pants in the relationship liao. My cousin's wife is a lawyer while my cousin earns peanuts giving acting classes and taking care of the kids. Still they lead a perfectly happy marriage. It's all about the partnership you have with her man. Don't be fool, pursue her. Good luck! xx
In my opinion, you need to handle your belief.
Use your heart not your brain...
Brian is manipulative while the heart is full of feelings.
That's why Nike is so successful, because they 'Just do it' without wasting a single second...
there will be issues... but if the two of u know for sure why you are in the relationship in the first place, issues can be ironed out.
but both parties must be open in the relationship and communicate. when the talking stops, everything else follows.
live for yourself, not for others. no matter what we do, someone will have something to say. so... what the h***!
There is no answer to many things in life...
Why not take the chance?
So what is another lost, at least, you tried. Better than you already lost without even trying.
This rule applies to all aspects of life.
Make sense?
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